Read about some of the activities we have been up to over the last few months, as well as past newsletters, in the link below:
Check out what’s been happening lately on the Tourism Cape York Blog!
Read about some of the activities we have been up to over the last few months, as well as past newsletters, in the link below:
There was some great discussion at the recent Cooktown workshop, which focused on prioritizing target markets, identifying key experiences for the area, and the use of social media to increase exposure for Cooktown and the region.
Below is a link to the presentation from this workshop which includes some of the outcomes from the discussion.
People are reminded that they can access the services of experienced consultants like Mark through the ASBAS NATI Program (Australian Small Business Advisory Services, North Australian Tourism Initiative)
Low cost business advisory services can be accessed in the following areas:
Funding avenues and financial analysis
Building your business
Making the most of your talent and team
Management capabilities
Digital engagement implementation
Tourism ready.
We would like to invite all tourism operators in the Cooktown area to attend a 4 hour workshop on the 8th August 2017, with Mark Olsen from EarthCheck.
Mark has extensive experience working in the Tourism Industry, and is a wealth of knowledge, and good advice; so we encourage as many of you as possible to take advantage of this opportunity, and come along next Tuesday. Please RSVP Bec before the 7th August. [email protected] ph: 40532856
CLICK HERE for a PDF of Flyer
Growing Tourism Businesses in Cape York
Australian Small Business Advisory Services Programme - Northern Australia Tourism Initiative
The Northern Australia Tourism Initiative (NATI) is one of several new programmes arising out of the Our North, Our Future: White Paper on Developing Northern Australia.
Cape York Sustainable Futures (CYSF) was successful with its application for the ASBAS NATI programme, which will enable us to deliver low cost small business advisory and information services to tourism small businesses and tourism small business intenders in Cape York and the Torres Shire.
Until 30 June 2019, the CYSF NATI programme will support a range of service delivery mechanisms including:
Cape York businesses should have already received an email notice from CEO, Trish Butler in relation to this program, but if you haven’t heard from us, we would love to hear from you - contact details are below.
The Six Tourism Streams
Within each of the six tourism streams, there are a number of eligible activities which CYSF must provide, as outlined below.
CYSF is particularly pleased to be delivering the NATI programme, as our Tourism businesses and intenders, will be able to access low cost business advisory services and support, that otherwise is out of reach, too costly to be considered, or simply not available.
Please contact Rebecca Burke on 4053 2856 or at [email protected] for more information.
This project has been supported by the ASBAS Northern Australia Tourism Initiative, an Australian Government initiative.
The Tourism Plan was developed after broad consultation with stakeholders across the Cape, including Traditional Owners and Councils. It is a living document and will continue to evolve as the tourism industry and infrastructure in Cape York develop and new opportunities arise.