One of the most popular journeys (for obvious reasons) is to head straight up the centre of Cape York Peninsula to the very Tip, via the Peninsula Development Road (PDR) and Bamaga Access Road, which form the main artery from Lakeland Downs up to Cape York (see map). This road is graded each year after the wet, and is usually opened by […]
This is one of the most picturesque drives in the region, taking in some amazing coastline, flanked by rainforest on one side, and secluded beaches on the other. There are a number of crystal creek crossings (beware of crocs) and some steep terrain, so this can become impassable in the wet- Track Condition, Douglas Shire Council (07) 4099 9444. It […]
This journey is sealed all the way to Hopevale, then you can go East towards the coast and Elim Beach, and visit the “Coloured Sands’ site. There is a camp ground at the Beach. Pass through Hopevale (see map). As you get closer to the coast, the vegetation changes and you pass through heath lands with large patches of white, silica rich sands. At […]
This journey enables you to access Rinyirru National Park (Lakefield) and Laura by heading north from Cooktown, instead of taking the sealed route via Lakeland (see map). There is a shallow, sealed, crossing at Isabella Falls, which is a popular stop for those wanting to take a dip. On the Rinyirru end of the route, you will […]
The park can be accessed a number of ways; from Cooktown via Battlecamp Road, from Cape Melville via Kalpowar, from Laura, from Musgrave Roadhouse, or from Port Stewart via Running Creek Nature Reserve (see map). This is Queensland’s second largest National Park. It is a large basin with many braided rivers draining into nearby Princess Charlotte Bay. In the wet season these rivers […]
A 4WD adventure with rough tracks, creek crossings and beach driving, the journey from Cooktown to Starke National Park, Kalpower and Wakooka Aborginal Lands, Cape Melville National Park ending at Lakefield Ranger Station is almost 250km. It’s a further 109km to Musgrave, 84km to Laura and Cape Melville is 110km return from Wakooka). This journey can be combined with the Rinyurru and Battle […]
This newly opened section of road enables you to go north from Rinyirru National Park, through Running Creek Nature Reserve, to Port Stewart, and bypass a section of the PDR (see map). About 20km between the Park boundary and the Peninsular Development Road at Musgrave Roadhouse is the turn off North to Running Creek. This section of road has been recently upgraded as […]
A 4WD adventure with rough tracks, creek crossings and beach driving, the journey from Cooktown to Starke National Park, Kalpower and Wakooka Aborginal Lands, Cape Melville National Park ending at Lakefield Ranger Station is almost 250km. It’s a further 109km to Musgrave, 84km to Laura and Cape Melville is 110km return from Wakooka. This journey can be combined with the Rinyurru and Battle […]
On the shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria, the Western Cape offers visitors a unique insight into the history of Cape York and a rich and varied travel experience. Northbound vehicles are best to continue up the PDR to Weipa, but when heading on to The Tip, join the Telegraph Track via Batavia Downs. To visit the Western Cape coming south from […]
The section from Artemis turn off to Koolatah must be treated with respect at all times. It is recommended that intending travellers call ahead to the Cook Shire Council for an up to date report on the status of the road. Koolatah to Kowanyama (Bourke Development Road) is considered to be trafficable seasonally, subject to […]