The inland route - via the Mulligan Highway is sealed to Cooktown, and the Peninsula Development Road (PDR) is now sealed all the way from Lakeland to Laura, so both these routes are suitable for all types of vehicles and trailers (see map). If you did want to travel the coast road north from Cairns, you can go as far as Port Douglas, and then connect with the inland route via the Rex range just north of Port Douglas. 2WD vehicles can go as far as Cape Tribulation, but they are not recommended on the Bloomfield Track due to the creek crossings and steep terrain, which become hazardous in the wet season.
Cooktown to Bloomfield - The road from Cooktown south to Bloomfield is now sealed all the way, so those with 2WD can enjoy any of the attractions along this section, such as the Home Rule and Bloomfield Falls, and the Bana Yirriji Art Centre at Wujal Wujal.
Cooktown to Hopevale - This section is now all but sealed to Hopevale, so travellers can take a trip through the Endeavour Valley area, passing the many small tropical fruit farms that line the banks of the Endeavour River (see map). The Hopevale Arts and Cultural Centre is a must see, and there is also an information centre at Hopevale.